Tuesday, November 04, 2008

school was real bad today
my throat is hurting me terribly!!!
but then, i still had spicy food for lunch
well, this is hao's philosophy, using the poison to cure the poison
eh... apparently it do work only for him
my throat still hurts lah!

oh yah, it's presentation day
and yes, i dislike presentation!
but thank godness, i'm not needed to present anything today
ben & hao did everything
the two man show~
while the rest of us just stand behind them like we are their PA

&&& the funny thing is, whenever hao present
i always burst into laughter!
perhaps i'm just not use to him speaking english and being so serious
his accent, his action, and his everything lah!
what made things worst is, when i laugh out, he laugh out too.
alright~ that's so not funny loh!

let's do some back tracking...
this was what we( hao, jackson & me) did on sunday
we purchase a clock to dismantle
oh well, that's part of our project for this semester
anyway, it was fun to dismantle and put it all back as how it was originally


爱沙 is just so hot
or should i say, she is just so irresistible!
from the time she started hosting at 100% Entertainment, i've already notice her
nevertheless, she used to be from sunday's girl
you know, you know??

p/s: Could this be love?
i doubt so

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