Thursday, July 10, 2008

after coming back to work on tuesday
have been hearing rumours that the company is gonna have another shutdown
who knows, it might not be true?
one ear in, one ear out
besides, i'm not yearning for any break for the time being

*but i really still hope there would be another shutdown soon!

ping lost her LV wallet while we're on our way back to office after lunch
that's so unlucky of her(sway siao)!
she've got to cancel all her cards and stuff
in short, it's troublesome!
but then ...
she've got a halfday off to go do all the necessary things
good life arh you girl~

let me count...
6days of mc, 2days AWOL, 2days halfday and 1day shutdown.

i'm so proud of you girl

i'm missing you!
you YOU you YOU you!
that's right. YOU!

yeah~ i'm missing lots of people
ever since my FYP started i've not been like seeing most of my friends; not to say in IAP!
we'll be seeing each other real soon~
11th October.

guess what's this is...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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