Friday, November 03, 2006


it's so unfair.
very, very unfair.
this guy, his dad passed away.
he's not my friend, i dont know him.
but yet, i feel the pain deep down inside my heart.
i cried when i heard this.
life is very very fragile.
it's like a piece of glass, broken and can't be mended back.
it just struck so suddenly.
just within a sec, we can lose someone that holds a very special place in our heart.
and why do people always like to take things for granted?i'm so scared of death, now.
losing the people dearest to me.
why do people have to die?
we dont know what will happen tomorrow.
cherish the ones you loved every sec, every min.
life is really very unfair.

got this from grace blog... feel very sad when i read this.. hmmm... i agree to everything she said. a broken glass can never be mend. even if it can be mend there will be scars. i guess if i am tt guy i sure break down and have mental problem de.. love my parents lots. they can never be replace. they are the one who are there for you when the whole world are against you.

love them more then anyone. thank them when u have to thank them. have u ever asked yourself, how long have you not said "I love you" to ur parents or how long have you not hugged them telling them how thankful you are that they show constant care to you? friends & relationship may mean alot to everyone but do you include your family members in your important list? cherish them, love them, show concern to one another, appreciate each other, that makes a perfect family.

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